Athletes understand the numerous demands of participating in a sport. Putting your body through these activities, such as running, jumping or tackling, can result in painful tears, sprains and strains. Seeing a chiropractor can help athletes heal faster after suffering a sports injury and can help prevent them in the future.
Sports injuries can limit performance and cause pain
Some of the main reasons athletes suffer sports injuries include forceful impacts, repetitive motions, over-training and failure to warm up properly. This can happen in countless ways, depending on what activity you are doing or what sport you are playing. It is important to take precautionary measures, but sometimes injuries can happen to the most physically active and experienced people. Often these conditions are a result of injuries suffered years or even decades ago that did not heal properly.
Children and teens tend to ignore what seem to be small injuries when they are active. But if an injury is left untreated, this can lead to chronic pain in other areas, that may not even be directly related to the focal point of the injury, such the knees, hips, back and neck. Many sports injuries are insufficiently treated and not given enough time to rest and heal, increasing the odds that they will cause chronic pain later in life. This can lead to pain, frustration and a decrease in athletic ability.
Sports or training injuries can cause the following symptoms:
- Swelling
- Burning, dull pain
- Headaches
- Muscle Pains
- Inflammation
- Muscle Spasms
Sports injuries can cause further injuries if left untreated
Although many people think that chiropractic is solely limited to the spine, we treat and help prevent injuries of the neck, back, shoulders, knees and ankles. When the spine is perfectly aligned, tension in the body is alleviated This can decrease inflammation and allow the nervous system to function optimally.
When the spine is aligned, vital nutrients and water can travel throughout the body easily. Good alignment can also bolster the immune system, which is ideal for anyone with a busy and active lifestyle. This allows the body to function better and become less susceptible to injury.
Our doctors can help athletes by relieving their pain and helping them heal faster after an injury. Many athletes try to mask pain with medication, but this can lead to further risk and damage to the body. At HealthChoice Chiropractic, we will perform a full evaluation. Our medical professionals will devise a customized treatment plan to get you feeling your best and back to doing what you love.
Cold laser therapy for sports injuries
The application of cold laser therapy reduces short-term inflammation. Additionally, laser therapy significantly lowers the risk of arthritis frequently resulting from sports injuries. Laser therapy is used by professional sports teams and athletes to treat inflammation, provide deep-tissue therapy, and accelerate pain relief to help athletes minimize downtime. For the past decade, deep tissue laser therapy has revolutionized treatment in the professional sports world including the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL and USA Cycling. Additionally, Ironman triathlon competitors, competitive runners, college athletes, former Olympic athletes, and elite cross-fitters have all relied on cold laser therapy.
Best sports chiropractor Peachtree City
To start your journey to optimal health and wellness, give us a call today at (770) 408-0184 to book your appointment. We gladly accept most insurance policies and have convenient hours including weekends.